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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Kirby Sentria is a Great All in One Cleaning System

By Alan Kirchain

If you ever longed for the day when you could finally get piece of cleaning equipment that could do everything regarding floor care, your prayers have finally been answered. The Kirby Sentria may just be one of the best all around cleaning machines that has ever been made!

Choose the Best  Configuration For the Job

A lot of systems claim to be able to do everything, but the Kirby Sentria finally delivers on everything that these types of cleaning systems promise. Conversion has never been easier on an all in one as you can quickly change it from a deep cleaning upright to a canister vacuum, floor buffer or a carpet shampoo cleaning system.

Many all in one systems will be clunky or shoddily put together. Kirby avoids this pitfall with a solid die-cast aluminum construction. It also has the exclusive TechDrive power assist that makes pushing this cleaner so easy one of the kids could handle it with ease.

Easily Cleans Pet Hair

Another great feature of the Kirby Sentria is its ability to clean up pet hair effortlessly. You can often spend half your day trying to get the furniture clean of your pets favorite resting spot, but the Kirby attacks this challenge head on and wins every time. After a few minutes, you will never know that you even have an animal in the house.

Change Your Requirements For Your Situation

The hard floor attachments are a wonderful surprise on the Kirby Sentria cleaning system. When you are finished polishing and buffing your hard floors, you will think the machine was built with only that in mind. You will think that you had a professional doing them with the quality of the cleaning job that the machine produces.

When you break everything down, the Kirby Sentria is a great investment. You can choose to buy separate machines that will do each job or you can buy one incredible machine that will do a great job at every aspect of cleaning our floors. Plain and simple, the Kirby Sentria is an incredible cleaning machine.

The Kirby Sentria can be shipped directly to your door. If you are searching for a Kirby vacuum please visit

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